Maximize your call centre ROI

Improve response speed, reduce call handling time, and ensure accuracy with always up-to-date, reliable information.

Trusted by 6,287 users

Five Star
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Built for Call Centers

Reduced call handling time

Streamline processes and provide quick access to accurate information, reducing average handling times.

Ensure accurate information

Agents have access to reliable and up-to-date knowledge bases, leaving no stone unturned.

Version-controlled knowledge

Maintain a centralized repository of current and version-controlled knowledge bases.

Empowered agents

Enable self-service options, empowering agents with autonomy and quick access to answers.

Accelerated onboarding

Shorten the learning curve by accelerating the ramp-up process for new employees.

Increased revenue potential

Identify opportunities for cross-selling and upselling, maximizing customer lifetime value.

“Aviva Canada is committed to leveraging innovative solutions for operational efficiency and customer service. Our personal insurance operation’s partnership with ProNavigator has been instrumental in achieving this.“

Lianne Maver
Knowledge Transfer Lead  |  PI Operational Effectiveness

Creating business impact for our customers

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