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From Silos to Cooperation: Tapping into Institutional Knowledge To Fuel Collaboration

There is a lot of wisdom that is not being shared or collaborated with, both within the silos but also, worse, across silos, which is going to slow down productivity and innovation.

August 13, 2024
Brynne Ramella
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Knowledge on Mute: How WFH Makes Your Company Forget What It Knows

WFH has created a ton of benefits and a seemingly equal amount of challenges. These are not impossible challenges, but they need to be acknowledged and acted on with deliberation

August 13, 2024
Brynne Ramella
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The Forest For The Trees – Preserving and Growing The Value of Your Company’s Institutional Knowledge

An approach to address these knowledge gaps is to implement a system that can capture and store the full corpus of questions and inquiries that are occurring.

August 13, 2024
Brynne Ramella
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The Exodus of Expertise – A Strategy for Documenting and Safeguarding Your Company’s Specialized Knowledge

An approach to address these knowledge gaps is to implement a system that can capture and store the full corpus of questions and inquiries that are occurring.

August 13, 2024
Joseph D'Souza
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Lost in a Sea of Files: The Real Cost of Information Search in the Digital Age

McKinsey and others estimate that as much as 20% of our day or week is lost just looking for information. ProNavigator was born to tackle just that.

August 13, 2024
Joseph D'Souza
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How to Reduce Content with Knowledge Management

Content powers insurance companies, but obsolete and redundant documents slow things down. Here's how to reduce that content with knowledge management.

August 13, 2024
Brynne Ramella