5 Tips for Moving to an Insurance Knowledge Management Tool

August 13, 2024
Brynne Ramella

Legacy knowledge management systems weren’t built for modern insurance companies. 

They sometimes take years to master and are difficult to maintain. Our research shows that a top cause of long average handling within the insurance industry is difficulty finding the right information. So while seasoned employees may know where information lives, incoming staff will have a hard time getting up to speed.

With half of the insurance workforce set to retire in the next 15 years, an insurance industry talent crisis is coming. Upgrade to a knowledge management system built for insurance so the next generation of the workforce can access information they need.

A legacy tool or a generic knowledge management system, means that your team is wasting valuable time and dollars sifting through clunky software to find answers. Switching to an insurance knowledge management tool means that you can search for documents in the language you use in your day-to-day operations. Consider the following tips before you make the switch to a new tool. 

Step One: Conduct a Content Audit

Before moving your resources to a new knowledge management system, you should double check that all your content is worth migrating. This will ensure that all the internal documents your team relies on is clear, concise, and up-to-date. Here are some tips to get started: 

  • Gather all content — Scour your digital channels and physical locations to round up all relevant insurance documents. Everything from job aids to policy wordings should be considered.
  • Organize your documents — Once you've gathered everything, create a content library and organize it by department, content type, and format.
  • Determine what is inaccurate or outdated — Flag all content with outdated information and inaccuracies you can update as soon as possible.

Identify any gaps in your existing content — A benefit of a content audit is that you'll notice gaps in your existing knowledge base. Prioritize producing these documents once your new knowledge management tool is up and running.

Step Two: Categorize Your Content

ProNav UI Content Categorization

Once you've uploaded content into your new knowledge management system (psst...when you use ProNavigator, it should only take 8-12 weeks to be fully onboarded), organize that content in a way that makes sense to your business. An effective knowledge management tool should offer a framework to support the different kinds of content that your business needs specifically. 

Give each document a name, signify which region it applies to, select the line of business it falls under, and add any other labels that will help to keep your team as organized as possible. You should be able to favorite your most frequently-used documents as well. That allows you to take categorization to an even more granular level. That optimizes your workflow and daily operations.  

Step Three: Set User Permissions

Before you get too far along in the implementation process, make sure you fully understand how to grant permissions. This should include granting different levels of permissions to users as well. The right team members will have the ability to edit content and others will have view-only access.

That means you won’t have to find out about changes to content the hard way. This will help with version control so that policy guidelines, underwriting manuals, and all other content are standardized.

Keep track of the user permissions you previously set in place and carry them over to your new knowledge management tool. This is an important step to implement early on in the process. For example, your call center agents rely on internal documents to answer customer queries. 

But if they don't have the right permissions to access necessary content, they'll provide a poor customer experience. Your knowledge management tool shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. You should have the ability to configure individual permissions based if team members are in claims, underwriting, or any department. With a tool like ProNavigator, those changes will only apply to an individual user or department.

Step Four: Enable Notification Features 

ProNav Notifications

Insurance companies operate on a lot of moving pieces, so communication overload is key. Make sure you have notifications in place to alert you to any changes within your knowledge management system. For example, ProNavigator automatically comes equipped with a notifications feature. 

For example, if there's a catastrophic weather event coming toward one of your areas of service, you can create an announcement in-platform and deem it as important. That will trigger it to pop up as a banner notification within the platform. To take it a step further, you can send email notifications of these announcements to users. That way, all employees are always kept in the loop on the most important events impacting your daily operations.

Step Five: Set Up Regular Reports

Don't overlook your tool's data analytics offering, as this will give you direct insight into how employees are using the tool. You'll be able to see what your team members are searching for, how they're searching, and which searches aren't pulling up any results. That way, you can discover knowledge gaps in your existing content and identify ways to grow your business. 

For example, a search for job aids for claims adjusters might show that your organization doesn't have any. Creating that content will help shorten the onboarding time for incoming claims adjusters. With a potential impending insurance talent shortage, quick onboarding will be invaluable for getting new insurance workers up to speed.

Content powers your business. The right insurance knowledge management tool will supercharge your organization, providing the best customer and employee experiences possible. 

Contact ProNavigator today to learn how to get started.


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