Release Note

Snippets Updates

Samantha Houng
Jul 16, 2024 6:04 PM
  • Snippets Sidebar — Multiple snippets within the same document will now appear in a sidebar on the right side of the screen while you’re viewing the document.

  • Notes Field — We've added a "Notes" field to each snippet for additional context or reminders.
  • Copy Snippets — You’ll now see a “Copy” text button to the right of the “My Snippet” title.

  • Custom Tags — You can now create and rename tags as you see fit.
    • Start typing the name in the "Tags" field to create a new tag.
    • Click "Edit" under the "More" button on a Snippets card to edit tag. This will allow you to rename it, delete it, or change the color.
Samantha Houng
Sam is the Senior Marketing Specialist at ProNavigator.

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